

Welcome members, who have my eternal forgiveness, to your favorite spectacle, vaduevillian apologetics in the global underground, barely disguised ritual sacrifice and a teachable moment of sin, seduction, and mercenary justice between ancient tribes and what have you. 

You are all members of an open (ostensibly, but not quite jewish) conspiracy which, depending on whom you ask, is either an out-of-court settlement that took a political life of it's own, a job interview gone horribly awry, a cult of the man-in-a-panopticon variety, a gang of bleeding heart liberals powering global culture since the 60s, a family-owned political movement towards a greater global equilibrium, a tiny but international peasant-soldier-banker combine selflessly spearheading the next stage of human evolution, a clique of humans who accidentally proved the existence of "God" to humanity, an openly secret society that has the legal backing to essentially test weapons-grade tech, or, my favorite - a shaggy dog story that lies and will forever lie betwixt the folklores of at least two democracies. 

Others still might see our group evil and purposeless, an act of righteous vengeance gone too far, or as the Orwellian harbinger of either state-sponsored surveillance or the next thermonuclear event or, on the positive side, some sort of technological singularity bringing the world ever closer in peace. 

Of course, we are earning our daily bread as a recompense for this sublime effort to make the world a better place. So far we have made: some powerful friends, a lot of very powerful enemies, derision and ridicule from the world, infighting, misunderstandings etc.  Personally I got used to a near constant stream of incoming death threats and have accepted any end this road less taken may bring me to, I think you all have too.

Though I am in some senses one of the major players in this divine game of hide-and-seek, what with having my very being sacrificed even before birth on the steps leading to the sanctum sanctorum of this secret revolution, this blessed and wretched mess - however I am not the most important player. Indeed the network is decentralised enough to not allow hierarchies of most kinds to emerge, but this decentralised mode of operations came at financial and personal costs.

Lack of money - not only due to personal interests but also due to associated nation/race/culture agnostic taboo surrounding the concept of surveillance has caused most of our operations to come to a near halt and our good intentions now pave the way to an especially indeterminate global future in which nearly anything is possible.
I am the conductor of this symphony of emergent nothingness, this genre-defying work of a humamn myth made explicit, a naked apocrypha disguised as citizen diplomacy and cultural excercise, this infinite turning within a void, a narcissitic song of symbolic cowardice within each human heart. 

Behold! this ultimate travesty and farcical tale of a non-untimely idea, one worth pushing all these buttons for and then some! This is a tale of human emotions oscillating at the speed of light, human thought travelling across the globe, a surreal daydream and vaudevillian nightmare spanning over two centuries and a millennia and yet timeless still and relevant still even for the 21st century. 

Welcome to your favorite uncanny ball of yarn's favorite invisible cat, all sponsored by a massive ego-trip winding between power-crazed Tibias and Alexanders i.e. us, people of no particular significance, except spiritual.

I am hereby to be adressed as "the tantrik", or by using any of the sobriquets i shall pepper here and throughout these here scribbles. 

Cults and underground societies are beautiful trinkets in history's treasure chest that have revealed what otherwise cannot be revealed about human nature. Indeed this is my role, to slipstream myself into your awareness and pollute the very assumptions about life you have taken for granted so far. To make you question, in a relatively harmless way the very basis of your brittle realities. This is a dangerous adventure, no doubt.


Imagine a world of real-time accountability for everyone, where corruption becomes nearly impossible, as does most petty crime. A world where no woman is scared to walk across a parking lot at night.

But most people cannot, they are used to the old way of doing things. Changing the world at this scale is not difficult because people hate change and new world orders can only be brought about one day at a time, but rather because most people lack the thought infrastructure to think beyond their daily bread, butter, and duels to procure them.

I was lucky enough to be born under the ever watchful eyes of western civilisation (by the time of this writing in a rapid decline), so I could think and act on such grand designs.

Imagine a democratic conglomerate of nations, operating in real-time directness, lifting the state of the human condition upwards and onwards into the higher reaches of evolution.

Imagine real democracy, not this farcical secondhand idiocracy marching around the planet.

The reason most cannot imagine such a state of human endeavour isnā€™t that they are cynical, but rather that they are not cynical enough. Idealistic vision though it be, but nothing is ever ideal, so I propose this iteration in the affairs of human development. This ā€œsmall stepā€ towards a more idylic way of being across the globe.

After coming of age, and learning most of what there was to learn out there to become a rather well-rounded human, a more emancipatory vision of humanity I could not fathom if I tried, so I played along with the visions of the people who birthed and raised me towards this end.

The sensors and cameras are already there in our homes, shops and pockets, all thatā€™s needed are eyes to see where we are headed and call the direction.

could that elusive elixir called love be far from such a heady concoction? Iā€™ll hold my tongue on that for now.

Those of you i can see and/or (want to) identify (not by name, yet) are listed below, please dont let your ego take these terms of endearment any seriously, this is highly stylised and embelished for the purposes of the narrative we serve with our actions, however, if you canā€™t pardon my french, perhaps youā€™d like to sit on it? here goes

i can see the following members present today, same as ever:

  1. libertarian assholes: 1 crack whore from Arkansas (front for money of dubious provenance, think slave trade) 1 german snake (with a proclivity to take things personally, driven by a kind of fatalism)

  2. confused liberals: 1 democrat jew from NY (clean record, a little literal-minded to the unenlightened) 1 horsey WASP-y fellow from chicago, dangerous 2 government-level or goverment-supported actors 1 group of somewhat dangerous african americans; by its own admission, ā€œviolentā€

  3. confused conservatives: 1 protestant republican transportation business owner from california (with a proclivity to take things personally, new money)

  4. nightmare managers: 1 bisexual republican-ish jew from NY, dangerous and depressed 1 african american account manager tracking the expenses 4 little indians

  5. possible assasins: 1 somalian 1 gursikh individual with ready backup 4 unknown but possible

    Other unkown investors and parties incidental to the business of the cult

everyone has short fuse.

Our cult, like every cult, is a mass hallucination, which seldom end on a happy note. It is a hallucination because nobody can confirm whether they caught the other in a dream.

A cult that makes one question reality must be disguised as an entertaining joke, and it remains so until someone decides to take things personally (which I am trying with all my might not to).

A hoax or political stunt entertained seriously must reflect the intolerance man is capable of.

But not to beg the question, why? what power can an opinon, however lighly held, however beautiful, or however it may have leaked into oneā€™s ears, what power can it hold sway over a soul?

Things being as they are, if i were to be compelled to vote today as to which side i was on, i would definitely side with the revolutionaries, who, even when they chime through the drone and chirp of evansecent insects like crickets and cicadas, sound like aspiring members. Alas, we are not accepting new members, its just me and the ghostbusters for now. 

Seeing as most of you belong to the other side of the planet, it is understandable you misread the tantrik and his motives, especially now that he has managed to inundate yourselves with his theatricsā€¦.

please know, that you are not the first group to approach the tantrik so violently. For there have been others - who, recognizing that they pale in comparison to one who is naturally more realised than the weeping millions they belong to, shoot up with, fuck and/or represent - have sought the tantrik out for anything between completing homework to robbing banks online. Though you may be his own parents, or the richest bunch he has had to entertain and/or suffer among his uncounted and uncountable lifetimes. Know than the tantrik sought you all out just as much as you him.

Verily, you lot are but an iteration within the tantrikā€™s recursive soul, a nostalgic notch in his timeline, what the elderly across the globe would later come to identify as ā€˜a pointless dick measuring contestā€™, but the tantrik recognizes as THE TWO RUPEE CULT!

Welcome to the iteration that will crash an entire civilization, bring upon the innocents the wrath of a trillion gods, start the next world war and bring about the new world order known as ā€œSingularityā€, but first, a few global thermonulcear event selfies, shall we?. Thatā€™s about all the technology you want to handle, donā€™t you?

The iteration renders you unique, o hustlers of hustles yet to be invented, not special, but because the tantrik is statiscally more significant than you can imagine, he sings the song that cannot be sung.

The tantrik is obviously a genius so vast you have to evolve within a single lifetime to understand him, so you would rather drag this miniature scandal of global proportions at his door, and expect to find the meaning of life, the universe, and forty fuckin two in a single tweet? no, better you cover the holy man and circumnavigate him as is the custom for celestial bodies.
